07 November 2008

An award & some PIF candy for 3 lucky bloggers

Good afternoon, hope you're having a good day. Today in Ireland it's very windy and raining alot (what a surprise lol). Well I've received another award yippee and this time it's from another Michele (with one L). Thank you sooo much for this award Michele, it's lovely to know that people like my cards and take the time to make comments. The rule is that I have to pass it onto 7 people. This is the really hard part as I follow quite a few blogs and love all their creations, but I have only 7 to choose, so here goes:

Tab, Suzanne, Juliet, Donna, Sandra, Rachel and Bev.

Ok now for the PIF candy - As is customary in PIF (pass it forward) Candy, and since I received mine from Val, here is my PIF Candy for three of you. I have gone with a contempory christmas theme. The first three of you to leave a comment on this thread will win one of the above sets of PIF Candy which are all more or less the same!

This is what is included in my PIF candy:

2 x white DL cards with matching envelopes

7 x christmas theme Papermanina papers

2 x scalloped circles embossed snowflakes

2 x Quickutz snowflakes

2 x scalloped circle sentiments

2 x snowflakes brads

Various ribbons

Rules for PIF are that in return for my PIF Candy you must then do the same, that is arrange Candy for three lucky bloggers and then they do the same! The first three will receive one of the above packs :) Hope you all have had a great weekend and good luck with the PIF :) Michele x


  1. Hello Michelle
    Firstly congratualtions on the award hun
    secondly i hope i am in with a chance of of your PIF
    Susie x

  2. Thanks for the award sweetie, it's so sweet of you

    hugs Bev xx

  3. Hi Michelle! Congrats
    I also hope to have a chance to participate in your PIF.
    Is open worldwide?

  4. i would love to participate please! :D

  5. Hi,thanks so much for the award.i've put it on my blog,
    Have a great weekend
    Take care
    San x


Thanks for taking the time to visit my blog, all your comments are really appreciated :0)

Hugs Michele x